Category: Career Development

Has PASS Outlived Its Purpose?

I’ve been pondering a question recently. “Has PASS outlived its purpose?” To help answer that question, I went to the PASS website to look for its mission statement. I couldn’t find it in the dropdown menus. I searched the site. No results found. That’s disappointing. And perhaps it explains why the organization is struggling as…
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Want to Learn SQL Server? Here Are 3 Free Sources

Many companies have lean IT organizations and find themselves with five, ten, or even twenty production SQL Servers and no dedicated Database Administrator to care for them. Instead, they rely on other IT Professionals to ensure the database servers are performant. We’ve worked with many companies where SysAdmins, Application Developers, and Network Administrators have been…
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The 9 Best Books of 2018

It’s what you learn after you know it all that really counts. – John Wooden As an avid reader and life-long learner, this quote by Coach John Wooden really speaks to me. I don’t want to wax too philosophical here, but life is a journey and we owe it to ourselves and those we influence…
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What Does Your IT Team Really Want?

“If you could change one thing about working here, what would it be?”  Have you ever been asked that question? If you’ve worked for a large organization, I bet you’ve seen that question on a formal Employee Satisfaction Survey. In smaller companies, the question may come from a manager who has Googled “Good questions to…
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Learning SQL Server

T minus 7 days. One of the biggest events of the year for data professionals is just one week away. The PASS Summit in Seattle, Washington, kicks off on November 6, 2018. Each year the event draws thousands of attendees from around the globe for three days of intensive learning, engaging networking, and embracing camaraderie.…
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How Can I Get the Experience I Want When My Current Job Won’t Let Me?

“I’m stuck. How can I get the experience I want when my current role doesn’t provide the opportunity I need?”  That question haunted me some twenty years ago while I was in the early stages of building The SERO Group. I wanted more experience to better serve my clients and to better understand how to…
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Data! Getcha Data Here!

Today’s Braves fans have it easy. When I was a kid, being a Braves fan was hard. It was a character building experience. Young Braves fans in the 1970’s learned to become optimists and to see the silver lining in even the darkest of clouds. We had to. The team didn’t give us much to…
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5 Books Every Leader Should Read

I was asked recently by a long time friend about the five best books on leadership that I’ve read. This friend, Sherry, donates a considerable amount of her time investing in the lives of young people. She’s mentoring people who will one day help shape their communities, who will someday govern our state and nation,…
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Three New Books on the Recommended Reading List

I like to read. In a typical year, I’ll consume between 50 and 70 books or audiobooks. Some of those are purely for entertainment purposes. I love authors who weave an engaging story with their words and who let my imagination do the rest. I also like to read books about non-work-related areas of my life. Topics such…
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Book Review: The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?” Abraham Lincoln was reported to have said once when accused of playing both sides of an issue. It’s good to see a politician with a self-deprecating sense of humor. Scott Adams of Dilbert fame and the writers of The Office have some hysterical views on…
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