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Three New Books on the Recommended Reading List

Three New Books on the Recommended Reading List

I like to read. In a typical year, I’ll consume between 50 and 70 books or audiobooks. Some of those are purely for entertainment purposes. I love authors who weave an engaging story with their words and who let my imagination do the rest. I also like to read books about non-work-related areas of my life. Topics such as backpacking, wilderness survival, and farming regularly attract my attention.

Many of the books I read so that I can grow professionally. Books on developing better leadership skills, on becoming more effective in what I do, on fostering deeper and stronger relationships within teams, and on how businesses can make better use of their data, are some of the topics that interest me.

Already this year, I’ve read three books that I’ve added to my Recommended Reading list. These were insightful, yet entertaining, applicable, yet engaging.

It’s Your Ship
The United States Navy doesn’t have a monopoly on the highly-regimented, top-down leadership style. In fact, many companies still have this corporate culture. In It’s Your Ship, Abrashoff recounts how he was able to take a below average ship and turn it into one of the best ships in the Navy. His crew developed a sense of ownership and pride in their work. His bosses recognized Benfold’s accomplishments and rewarded the crew with additional liberty and flexibility. Abrashoff’s approaches work in the corporate world as well. This book is a must-read for leaders.
Permission to Screw Up
Many business and leadership books are sanitized and polished. The authors share their successes without revealing the many painful mistakes and setbacks that plagued them along the way. This is not one of those books. In her book, Permission to Screw Up, Hadeed shares how she inadvertently started and grew a business hiring only millennials. She tells her engaging and personal story in an entertaining and thought-provoking way. In the end, the leadership lessons she shares seem more real and less academic, more applicable and less theoretical, more heartfelt and less boastful. Entertaining and informative, this book will help you build a better team.
The Like Switch: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Influencing, Attracting, and Winning People Over
Jack Shafer spent years with the FBI, preparing spies for their missions and helping to recruit spies from other countries. During his career, he developed strategies for reading people, building trust, and developing long-term relationships. This is not a book about deceitfully manipulating people. This book shares how to build better and stronger relationships.

If you are or desire to be a leader in your organization, I’d highly recommend that you pick up a copy of these three books. They are well worth your time.

The full Recommended Reading list is here.



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