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What’s Causing SQL Server Performance Issues?

What’s Causing SQL Server Performance Issues?

“I bought some instant water one time but I didn’t know what to add to it.” – Steven Wright, comedian.

I’ve always like Steven Wright‘s dry sense of humor and comedic timing. He’s got a lot of other great quotes similar to this one.

Ok. But how does this relate to SQL Server?

What’s really causing your SQL Server performance issues?

Sometimes companies with poorly performing SQL Servers are searching for something, anything, to make it better. They’ll spend money on additional hardware and licenses. They’ll turn the knobs for more cloud compute resources. Or they’ll buy a monitoring solution that brings additional visibility to the issue but doesn’t actually solve the problem.

They are buying instant water.

What’s causing the SQL Server performance issues? What will actually solve the problem rather than just mask it for the moment or highlight it even more as an issue?

Before spending money in an attempt to solve a performance problem, it’s a good idea to completely understand the problem. What are you really trying to solve?

This is where a SQL Server Health Check can help. A Health Check can help identify the underlying cause of the performance issue. It may that the SQL Server needs more memory or CPU. Or, it may be that adding additional indexes would address the issue. Perhaps the SQL Server really does need additional memory or compute. But then again, maybe a well-designed maintenance job or changes to some configuration settings would do the trick.

Perform a SQL Server Health Check. Then do exactly what’s needed to solve the issue.

Know the problem you’re solving first. The solve it.

Want to work with The SERO Group?

Want to learn more about our SQL Server Health Checks?

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