Category: DBA

what's in this sql server backup file?

What’s in This SQL Server Backup File?

So, there you are cleaning up files to make additional space and you find a file named “db.bak.” It’s a SQL Server backup file, that much is clear. But what’s in it? When was it created? Is it important? Or can it go? Why can’t people name backup files so that they describe what’s in…
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unseen work of a successful dba

10 Unseen Things Successful DBAs Do

It was 19 F at 5:15 AM as I laced up my hiking shoes. That’s cold for my part of the world. Each morning, I walk two to four miles to get the day started. Why? I’m preparing for my next 150-mile trek along the Appalachian Trail. I put in the time now so I…
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sql server table corruption


Do you schedule DBCC CHECKDB for all of your important databases? Scheduling database integrity checks ranks right up there with backing up your databases when it comes to glamorous activities in the life of a DBA. That is to say, it’s not glamorous at all. Integrity checks don’t bring the same internal swagger as say…
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balancing sql server tempdb

How to Configure SQL Server tempdb?

How many tempdb data files should a SQL Server have? And where should they live? What about their growth settings? Should it be by percent? Or, should they grow by a certain size each time? Are there other tempdb configuration settings I should be concerned with? In short: how should I configure my SQL Server…
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Error Msg 15138 The Database Principal Owns a Schema in the Database, and Cannot be Dropped

You’re cleaning up some old usernames in a database. The users are no longer needed so you want to drop them and maybe even the server login. You issue the standard DROP USER username; command in the query editor and it immediately comes back with Msg 15138, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 The database…
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sql server reporting services report

What SSRS Reports Does a User Subscribe to?

If your company uses SQL Server Reporting Services as part of it reporting infrastructure, you’ve probably been asked “What SSRS reports does this user subscribe to?” Often that’s due to a job or role change in the company. Sally is leaving the department and Jonathan is taking over her responsibilities. All of Sally’s reports now…
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SQL Server disk IO traffic jam

Identifying SQL Server Disk Latency

When SQL Server is not as fast as users think it ought to be, how can you tell where the slowdown is? Where’s the performance bottleneck? Where’s the traffic jam? Is it waiting on CPU? Does it needs memory? What about the disks? Could SQL Server be slow because of disk latency? Could be. But…
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waiting for sql server

How Much Longer Will CHECKDB Take?

You’ve manually started DBCC CHECKDB to verify the integrity of a database. It churns. And churns. You check the Messages tab on Management Studio. Nothing. So, you start to wonder: Just how much longer will CHECKDB take to complete? A couple of minutes? A couple of hours? Who knows? How long will DBCC CHECKDB take?…
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Testing sql server backup files before you need them

How to Test SQL Server Backups Using dbatools

The call comes in. “Something’s happened. We need to restore the production database. Can you do it? And how long will it take?” No DBA wants to receive that call but, frankly, answering those calls and the ensuing questions are part of a DBA’s job. And there’s no better way to know that you can,…
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Power plan settings limit resources to sql server

SQL Server Performance and Windows Power Plan

Conserving energy is good. It’s good for the environment and it’s good for the bottom line. That’s why Windows Server has built-in power settings. But there’s a trade off. With reduced power comes reduced performance for most SQL Servers. The Windows Power Plan Setting Windows Server has three pre-defined power settings: Balanced, High Performance, and…
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