Category: DBA

SQL Server database corruption can make you sick

A Severe Error Occurred! 5 Ways to Detect Database Corruption Early

No one likes to think about how to detect database corruption. But, Imagine this: you’re arriving at your job expecting an ordinary day. You begin receiving calls that the main application is returning a weird error when submitting or updating data; A severe error occurred on the current command.  The results, if any, should be…
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Who's caring for your SQL Servers?

Who’s Caring for Your SQL Servers?

“If three people are responsible for feeding the dog, the dog is going to starve. You must have clear areas of responsibility.” In his book Risk, retired United States Army General Stanley McChrystal shared this quote. It’s from a mentor he had as a young officer. And It helped shape his career. As a family…
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sql maintenance

SQL Server Maintenance: 10 Things to Keep Your SQL Server Running Well

I’m not really a car guy. My daily driver is 10 years old but it serves me well. It’s reliable. It gets me where I want to go and back again. And I want to keep it that way so I maintain it. I change the oil regularly, I rotate the tires almost as often,…
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don't let a crisis close your sql server

Why performing database restores before a crisis strikes is a good idea

We’re often asked to provide support during a crisis. Maybe a critical database is corrupt and no longer accessible. Or worse, an entire SQL Server instance is lost. Fortunately, many companies have a documented backup process. What’s far less common, however, is a well-documented process for restoring and recovering the critical databases. That part is…
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What’s Causing SQL Server Performance Issues?

“I bought some instant water one time but I didn’t know what to add to it.” – Steven Wright, comedian. I’ve always like Steven Wright‘s dry sense of humor and comedic timing. He’s got a lot of other great quotes similar to this one. Ok. But how does this relate to SQL Server? What’s really…
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SQL Server performance tuning OODA loop

SQL Server Performance Tuning and the OODA Loop

Users are complaining. One of your SQL Servers is not just slow, but slooooooooooooooooowwwwwww. A 6-syllable slow. We’ve all been there. We’ve all had SQL Servers that are underperforming. But where do you start with performance tuning? Let’s look to a proven approach for decision-making and troubleshooting as our guide – the OODA Loop. The…
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SQL Server Health Check and Monitoring

Do I Still Need a SQL Server Health Check?

“My SQL Server hasn’t had any problems. It just works. Do I still need a SQL Server Health Check?” The TL;DR answer is yes, it’s good to check on your SQL Server regularly. SQL Server just works, but… The SQL Server development team has done a great job. They’ve created a database platform that is…
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sql server performance tuning

How Do Implicit Type Conversions Affect SQL Queries?

Let’s have a look at implicit type conversions and how they can affect SQL Server’s performance. What are type conversions? Let’s start with the basics. What are data type conversions? (If you’re well-versed in this, feel free to skip ahead a bit.) SQL Server works with different types of data. It works with numbers, character…
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training for sql server disaster recovery

Rainy days, backpacking, and SQL Server Disaster Recovery.

What do rainy days, backpacking, and SQL Server Disaster Recovery have in common? Over the past several years I’ve been section hiking the Appalachian Trail. For my first trip, I started at the southern terminus, Springer Mountain, Georgia, and hiked northbound for 137 miles to Nantahala, North Carolina. It took just over a week. Each…
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Routines Help Create a Healthy SQL Server

The moon over my morning walk today. It was bright and beautiful. And under its glow, I realized that my morning walks have become an important routine for me. They are important for my physical and emotional health. They help start the day off on the right foot, so to speak. Similarly, routines are instrumental…
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