
Learning SQL Server

T minus 7 days. One of the biggest events of the year for data professionals is just one week away. The PASS Summit in Seattle, Washington, kicks off on November 6, 2018. Each year the event draws thousands of attendees from around the globe for three days of intensive learning, engaging networking, and embracing camaraderie.…
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Should I Upgrade Now? Or Wait for SQL Server 2019?

“Should I install SQL Server 2017 now? Or wait until SQL Server 2019?” One of our Remote DBA clients recently asked me that question. They have a set of aging SQL Server 2008 R2 instances used for production, test, and development. SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 Extended Support ends July 9, 2019, and the…
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Are Your SQL Servers Safe? IIS Attacks Increased 782x in One Quarter

Just when we thought that most cybersecurity attacks came via social engineering, we see this. Attacks on IIS, Microsoft’s web server, increased from 2,000 in Q1 2018 to over 1.7 million in Q2 2018. That’s a mind-boggling 782x increase! This is according to an esentire Security Advisory released last week. Hackers go-to tool of choice? PowerShell was the most commonly…
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How Can I Get the Experience I Want When My Current Job Won’t Let Me?

“I’m stuck. How can I get the experience I want when my current role doesn’t provide the opportunity I need?”  That question haunted me some twenty years ago while I was in the early stages of building The SERO Group. I wanted more experience to better serve my clients and to better understand how to…
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Learn Advanced Data Performance Management

How much data can a DBA manage? According to a 2010 Forrester Research article, it’s around 5 TB of data. Since that article was written, the amount of data companies collect and store has exploded so I suspect the figure today is closer to 10 TB of data. Of course, that’s painting with broad strokes…
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Data! Getcha Data Here!

Today’s Braves fans have it easy. When I was a kid, being a Braves fan was hard. It was a character building experience. Young Braves fans in the 1970’s learned to become optimists and to see the silver lining in even the darkest of clouds. We had to. The team didn’t give us much to…
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5 Books Every Leader Should Read

I was asked recently by a long time friend about the five best books on leadership that I’ve read. This friend, Sherry, donates a considerable amount of her time investing in the lives of young people. She’s mentoring people who will one day help shape their communities, who will someday govern our state and nation,…
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Why Not Upgrading Could Be Risky for Your Data

Last month my oldest son was in a minor fender-bender. Fortunately, no one was hurt. “I’m sorry to hear that, but what does this have to do with upgrading SQL Server 2008?” Bear with me; I’m almost there. Driving with Old Technology My son was driving with his wonderful girlfriend in his 2006 Toyota Avalon…
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How Important is Corporate Culture?

Not long ago, I saw something that I’ll never forget, something that truly underscored the importance of corporate culture in any organization. I was camping with 36 teenage boys and 3 other adults leaders at the 2013 BSA National Jamboree. Prior to our 14-day trip to West Virginia, most of us had only met a…
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Health innovations

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