Author: Luke Campbell

disk latency in azure

Analyzing Disk Latency in Azure Virtual Machines – Part 1

If you’ve moved your SQL Server workload to Azure Virtual Machines, you’ve noticed there’s no shortage in the number of options available. Virtual machine sizes, disk types, caching vs no caching, support for bursting, etc. When hosting SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines, choosing the right combination of VM size and disk types is essential…
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SQL Server database corruption can make you sick

A Severe Error Occurred! 5 Ways to Detect Database Corruption Early

No one likes to think about how to detect database corruption. But, Imagine this: you’re arriving at your job expecting an ordinary day. You begin receiving calls that the main application is returning a weird error when submitting or updating data; A severe error occurred on the current command.  The results, if any, should be…
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don't let a crisis close your sql server

Why performing database restores before a crisis strikes is a good idea

We’re often asked to provide support during a crisis. Maybe a critical database is corrupt and no longer accessible. Or worse, an entire SQL Server instance is lost. Fortunately, many companies have a documented backup process. What’s far less common, however, is a well-documented process for restoring and recovering the critical databases. That part is…
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sql server known issues

Any Known Issues with SQL Server 2019 CU19?

Cumulative Updates, CUs, are the way bug fixes and other improvements are released for SQL Server. These updates can make your SQL Servers more secure, they can fix performance issues, and they can make your system more reliable. But, as with any new code, they can sometimes introduce new issues. It’s not often that this…
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Am I affected by MrbMiner malware?

SQL Server hardware can be powerful. Lots of CPU cores and memory. Just what a crypto miner may need in their quest to generate cryptocurrency. In the case of the MrbMiner exploit, numerous SQL Servers have been exploited with brute-force attacks. These attacks are scanning for servers exposed directly to the internet and are using…
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Azure shared disks – Failover Clustered Instance – SQL Server 2016

In my last post, I wrote about a new option in Azure – shared disks. Have you ever needed to build a Failover Cluster Instance (FCI) in Azure? This post will provide a few steps to get you started. To follow along with the demo, you’ll need an Azure account (available for free here )…
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Azure shared disks – Failover Clustered Instances

Azure offers a large array of options when it comes to high availability and disaster recovery. Failover clustered instances (FCIs) is a well known option, for SQL Server, that’s been available for years on premises. However, FCIs traditionally required shared storage. New versions of the Windows OS and SQL Server now support other options such…
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rope safety net

How to Create SQL Server 2019 Failover Clustered Instances in Azure

Most of what you see in this post is similar to our prior post in the series – Azure shared disks – Failover Clustered Instance – SQL Server 2016. The key difference when setting up Failover Clustered Instances with SQL Server 2019 in Azure is we’re not going to utilize an Azure Load Balancer to…
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