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Learn SQL Server with PluralSight’s FreeApril

Learn SQL Server with PluralSight’s FreeApril

Learning SQL Server

“I want to learn [a technology]. Where should I start?” Since I’ve spent the last 25 year working with SQL Server (no exaggeration, see footnote), the question is usually about learning SQL Server. Sometimes it’s about learning related technologies such as data analytics and visualization, scripting languages such as Python or PowerShell, or the burgeoning fields Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

There are a lots of great free options for learning SQL Server. I shared some in Want to Learn SQL Server? Here Are 3 Free Sources.

Many of those sources are directly from Microsoft through their labs, Channel 9, and EdX programs. Others are from members in the SQL Server community, both individuals and companies, usually in the form of training videos, user group presentations, and MeetUps.

But there are other resources, too, including some low-cost options for learning SQL Server.

PluralSight can be a great place to learn SQL Server

PluralSight has become a leading platform for training videos for all sorts of technical training. Some of the smartest people I know in the SQL Server world have top-notch training videos on PluralSight. I’m reluctant to begin mentioning names here because there are so many. I’m sure I’d accidentally omit someone. Nevertheless, stalwarts from the community who regularly share their knowledge in user group meetings, at conferences and pre-cons (in the pre-COVID days), and online in forums and Twitter’s sqlhelp hashtag have PluralSight courses. If you’re looking for one in particular, here’s a list of PluralSight authors. You can also search the PluralSight catalog of courses.

PluralSight is not free, however. You have to pay to have access to their content. They share that revenue with the contributors, so course authors get paid for their work. Note: I do not have any courses on PluralSight nor do I have a referral agreement with the company. So, I’m not hocking something to get a kickback .

For those of us that like to “try before we buy,” for the month of April 2021 PluralSight is making their content available for free. They are calling it FREEAPRIL.

Want to work with The Sero Group?

While you’re leveling up your SQL prowess, we’ll be happy to help out with any SQL Server needs you may have.

Schedule a call with us to learn more. There’s no obligation.

Footnote: I first started working with Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 back in 1996. In fact, that was one of the first certification exams I passed.


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