Join Us on Jan 8, 2014 for The Top 10 Mistakes that New Leaders Make

The Top 10 Mistakes that New Leaders Make
We can easily recognize a great leader when we see one. The great ones make it look easy while the bad ones look inept. Some people believe that leadership is innate, that a chosen few are born to lead while the rest are destine to follow. But that’s not true. Leadership is a skill; it can be nurtured and developed like any other skill. And as with many things, we can learn from others’ mistakes.
Join Kevin and me at the Nashville Technology Council’s Sales and Biz Development Peer Network meeting on January 8th, 2014. In this session we’ll learn the top 10 most common mistakes that new leaders make and how to avoid repeating them in our own careers.
When: January 8th, 2014 from 8:00am to 9:30am.
Where: Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee, Inc
937 Herman Street
Nashville, TN 37208
Cost: Free