What SSRS Reports Does a User Subscribe to?

What SSRS Reports Does a User Subscribe to?

sql server reporting services report

If your company uses SQL Server Reporting Services as part of it reporting infrastructure, you’ve probably been asked “What SSRS reports does this user subscribe to?” Often that’s due to a job or role change in the company. Sally is leaving the department and Jonathan is taking over her responsibilities. All of Sally’s reports now need to go to Jonathan.

The first step? Identify all the reports that Sally currently receives via email.

Finding SSRS reports and subscribers

The ReportServer database has a couple of tables that will be helpful here. The aptly named Subscriptions table stores information about the SSRS subscriptions. The Catalog table contains information about the reports.

Joining the tables to get the results is pretty straightforward. The only tricky part is that some of the columns we need to examine are in XML format. (The data type of the column is NTEXT, but the data is in XML.) We need to tease that out using T-SQL.

The following query uses a couple of CTEs to parse the XML. It returns a list of all reports that go to a specific email address. It checks for the specified email address in the TO, CC, and BCC fields. Note: replace the email address in the WHERE clause with one you want to search for.

USE ReportServer; 

            s.SubscriptionID ,
            s.Report_OID ,
            s.ExtensionSettings ,
            CONVERT(XML, ExtensionSettings) AS ExtensionSettingsXML ,
            s.Description ,
            s.LastStatus ,
            s.LastRunTime ,
            s.Parameters ,
            c.Name as reportname
            ReportServer.dbo.Subscriptions AS s
            JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Catalog] AS c on s.Report_OID = c.ItemID
            ISNULL(Settings.value('(./*:Name/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(1024)'),
                       'Value') AS SettingName ,
            Settings.value('(./*:Value/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS SettingValue,
                CROSS APPLY subscriptionXML.ExtensionSettingsXML.nodes('//*:ParameterValue') Queries ( Settings )
        settingName IN ( 'TO', 'CC', 'BCC' )
    AND settingValue like '%joew@theserogroup.com%' ;

The results are shown below.

query results for searching for ssrs subscribers

(I’ve used this script many times over the years. I originally enhanced a query I found online in a forum or maybe it was StackOverflow. I don’t remember. I’ve long since lost the original reference, otherwise I’d happy give credit where it’s due.)

Want more SQL scripts we find handy?

Check out our Script Library for other SQL queries and dbatools.io commands that we frequently use. Here are a few examples.

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