Category: SQL Server

Why is SQL Server slow?

Why is My SQL Server Slow? 14 Common Reasons

“Why is my SQL Server slow?” Have you ever asked that question? Have your users? Unfortunately, that’s a commonly asked question. Fortunately, though, something can usually be done about it. Here are fourteen reasons a SQL Server instance could be underperforming. I’ve divided them into four broad categories. Slowness due to resource constraints Often the…
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SQL Server heartbeat

Why is it important to monitor SQL Server?

SQL Server is good. You install it, give it some databases to manage, and let it do it’s thing. When queries come in, it figures out how to resolve them. If it needs some statistics, it creates them. If the database is running out of space, it’ll grow the data file for you. Automatically. And…
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SQL Server FAQ

What’s the Difference in Index Defrag and Rebuild?

If you’ve worked with SQL Server for very long, you’re probably familiar with the concept of indexes. Indexes can help speed up queries by allowing SQL Server to quickly locate specific data values within a table. Indexes are typically much smaller than their underlying tables so they can be searched much more efficiently. (They aren’t…
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The need for High Availability and Disaster Recovery

HADR for Crying Out Loud

I was on my morning walk recently when I noticed this laying on the walking path. Some call it a binky. Others a pacifier or fooler. Whatever you call it, it’s an essential piece of equipment for some infants. Without it, their world falls apart. And the calamity is contagious. They, and everyone around them,…
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sql server inertia

Are Urgency and Inertia Putting Your SQL Servers at Risk?

In today’s world, we are constantly bombarded with a never-ending stream of urgent tasks and deadlines. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and lose sight of the big picture. This is where inertia comes into play. And inertia can put your SQL Servers at risk. How urgency creates inertia Inertia is…
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sql server known issues

Any Known Issues with SQL Server 2019 CU19?

Cumulative Updates, CUs, are the way bug fixes and other improvements are released for SQL Server. These updates can make your SQL Servers more secure, they can fix performance issues, and they can make your system more reliable. But, as with any new code, they can sometimes introduce new issues. It’s not often that this…
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try sql server 2022 new features

Use a Docker Container to Explore SQL Server 2022’s New Features

There’s a lot of hype surrounding the next version of SQL Server. And for good reason. SQL Server 2022 is packed with some long awaited niceties, improvements, and enhancements. Here are a few of the SQL Server 2022’s new features we are excited about. Contained Availability Groups Enhancements to Availability Groups and Distributed Availability Groups…
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tuning sql server

Infographic: 5 Commonly Overlooked SQL Server Settings

When we examine SQL Servers as part of our SEROShield SQL Server Health Check, we find five commonly overlooked SQL Server settings that can put performance, reliability, and even data at risk. Why are SQL Servers often misconfigured? SQL Server is robust. Microsoft has put a lot of effort into creating a database platform that…
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sql servers are like avocados

SQL Servers Are Like Avocados

I sliced into an avocado while making lunch recently. The size of the seed compared to the fruit was shocking! It was huge. There was only a thin layer of fruit surrounding a large, bulbous seed. Interestingly, some avocados are just the opposite – the seed is tiny compared to the amount of fruit inside.…
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sql server 2012 extended support

The Final Countdown for SQL Server 2012 Extended Support

If you haven’t already done so, the time has come to say goodbye. In just six short months, SQL Server 2012 Extended Support will come to an end. And although it’s been a good version, it’s 10 years old. And that’s old database in years. To put it into context, here are a few other…
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