Category: Leadership

Failing Your Annual Review

Imagine for a moment being a naval explorer from antiquity. You set sail from the Old World, plotting a course that will take you across the vast and deep sea toward your foreign destination. The trip will be long and wrought with dangers. Headwinds will hinder your progress. Crosswinds will blow you off course. Storms will rise,…
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Great leaders inspire

Motivating Your Team: The Importance of Why

Because I said so!” Ever hear that growing up? I certainly did on more than one occasion, typically when I had exhausted my parent’s patience with me. Unfortunately, many IT Leaders adopt this behavior as part of their leadership style. What most don’t realize is that using the dictator style of management doesn’t bring out the best in your…
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The 4th C of Interviewing

  Hiring the wrong person is costly. There are the hard costs associated with the search as well as delayed projects, lowered morale, and expensive employee benefits. Yet many companies do not have a well-defined and comprehensive interviewing process. They leave it up to individual managers to make hiring decisions while neglecting to provide sufficient…
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A Leadership Vacuum

Nature abhors a vacuum. And so does your team. According to Wikipedia, a vacuum is a space that is empty of matter. A natural vacuum in nature cannot persist for very long; it will be filled with something. The same is true for leadership and our teams. If there is a vacuum or absence of leadership in…
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You’re Leading in More Ways

In football, the quarterback is the de facto leader of the offense of team. Late in the game it is to him that the team looks to snatch a last minute come-from-behind victory from certain defeat. That’s a lot of weight to put on one man’s shoulders. Yet the quarterback is leading his team in…
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Four Questions Every Follower Asks

Whether you lead a large IT organization or you lead a small group of dedicated volunteers, there are four questions every follower will ask according to Dr. Lorne Sonny in the Business Ministry Journal as noted in Hans Finzel’s The Top Ten Mistakes Leaders Make (I couldn’t find a direct reference to Dr. Sonny’s work) They…
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Leadership vs Influence: A Free Breakfast Workshop

A better title on the business card. A little more take home pay each week. And automatic influence and credibility in the organization. These are the things that we get while climbing the corporate ladder, right? Umm, no. Authority Is Not Influence Many leaders assume that one of the automatic perks that comes with their…
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