Month: July 2024

Which Data Role Do You Need?

What’s in a Job Title? Understanding Changing Data Roles

The world of data is rapidly evolving, and the demand for skilled data professionals has continued to rise. But who are these data professionals? Those of us in the field have been asked many times about the nature of what we do. Students and prospective career changers, hiring managers, business partners, and prospective clients all…
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Manually Adjusting Compatibility Level Settings in SQL Server

A Manual Adjustment: Compatibility Level Settings in SQL Server

A database on a specific SQL Server version doesn’t automatically have all features enabled. For example, a database on SQL Server 2019 can still use SQL Server 2014 compatibility, missing some 2019 features. Each database has a Compatibility Level setting that activates certain features of its version. When SQL Server 2014 introduced the Cardinality Estimator,…
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When (Not) to Use NOLOCK

Quick Tips for Faster SQL Servers: When (Not) to Use NOLOCK

Many developers mistakenly use WITH (NOLOCK) in their SELECT statements without fully understanding its effects. While they might aim to speed up queries or prevent deadlocking, NOLOCK can actually lead to invalid results. What does NOLOCK do? A SELECT statement in SQL Server locks data to prevent modifications during querying. The lock is released after…
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A team gathered to build an Availability Group together.

Building an Availability Group? Involve Key Players First.

So, you’ve decided your organization’s data needs to remain highly available. Given the options in SQL Server, you’ve decided an Availability Group makes the most sense for your scenario. What’s next? Involve Stakeholders Early in the Process of Building a SQL Server Availability Group Before jumping into building your Availability Group, it’s crucial to identify…
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Image of a lost person reading a road map. This is your SQL Server when you use the "sp_" prefix to name a stored procedure and send it the long way around.

Quick Tips for Faster SQL Servers: Don’t Name Your Stored Procedures Using The “sp_” Prefix

A common mistake database developers make in SQL Server is naming their stored procedures with the “sp_” prefix. Organizations sometimes even adopt this as a standard convention (along with the “tbl_” prefix for tables!). So, why is this considered a bad practice? It’s inefficient. The “sp_” prefix is used by SQL Server to designate internal…
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