Month: March 2022

what's in this sql server backup file?

What’s in This SQL Server Backup File?

So, there you are cleaning up files to make additional space and you find a file named “db.bak.” It’s a SQL Server backup file, that much is clear. But what’s in it? When was it created? Is it important? Or can it go? Why can’t people name backup files so that they describe what’s in…
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dba recipe

10 Steps to a Better SQL Environment

SQL Servers? Check. Important databases? Check. SQL Server DBA? Umm, no. Now what? If you’re like some companies, you’ve tasked a sys admin with keeping the SQL Servers running, in their spare time. Not optimal, but a full-time DBA is not in the budget. In an upcoming webinar, Working Without a DBA? A 10-Step Recipe…
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