Month: December 2020

Who Owners Your SQL Server Database and how to change it

Who’s the SQL Server Database Owner and How Can You Change It?

In SQL Server, when someone creates a database, they own it. That means they have elevated permissions on the database. The SQL Server database owner can change configuration parameters, perform maintenance, and grant permissions on the database to other users. The database owner can even drop the database altogether. In highly secure environments (and what…
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Restrict access to secure your SQL Servers

Securing Your SQL Servers, What Should You Audit?

Securing and protecting your SQL Servers from the ever present threats of data breaches, ransomware, and even accidental data losses due to errant code or faulty systems is crucial. It’s one of the core responsibilities of a DBA. It would be great if there was a one-size fits all approach to data protection – one…
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CHECKDB is a critical for Database Integrity

When Was the Last Known Good DBCC CHECKDB Integrity Check?

Fortunately, DBCC CHECKDB will log each time it completes without finding any errors or corruption in the database. That’s known as the Last Known Good date. Let’s look at three ways you determine the Last Known Good date. We’ll use a T-SQL query, a PowerShell command with dbatools, and the SQL Server Logs via Management Studio.