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Tag: SQL Training

money to buy more SQL Server resources

Should I Add Hardware Resources to My SQL Server? Do This First.

“The server is seriously slow! Can’t we add memory or something?” We’ve all heard this before. You may have even thought it yourself. Adding resources could be an easy fix to a troublesome performance problem. After all, SQL Server hungers for memory. The more the better. And a side of processor goes a long way,…
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Stop doubting your sql server environment

Five Goals for Your SQL Servers in the New Year

We’ve made it! The start of a new year. Now is a great time to reflect on what you’d like to accomplish over the next 12 months at work, and more specifically, what you would like to do with your SQL Server environment this year. To help with that, here are five activities or goals…
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Who Owners Your SQL Server Database and how to change it

Who’s the SQL Server Database Owner and How Can You Change It?

In SQL Server, when someone creates a database, they own it. That means they have elevated permissions on the database. The SQL Server database owner can change configuration parameters, perform maintenance, and grant permissions on the database to other users. The database owner can even drop the database altogether. In highly secure environments (and what…
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Let's count the number of SQL Server tempdb files I have

3 Ways to Find Your SQL Server tempdb Data Files

Checking the number of tempdb data files is straightforward. Here are three easy ways: one graphical, one T-SQL, and one PowerShell, so you can use your tools of choice.